The ancient site of Kapilvastu, today known as Kudan after a neighbouring village, is believed to be the Nigrodharam Bihar referenced in Buddhist literature as the place where Lord Buddha first met his father, King Suddhodhana, after his enlightenment.
Away from the road that leads north from India to Kapilvastu sits the Kudan Archaeological Site gracing the mundane field. It would be simple to pass by this sight without further exploration, but that would be a mistake, given the site’s historical and religious significance.
The Kudan archeological site is around six kilometres south of Buddha’s home of birth, the Tilaurakot palace. Kudan was a gathering spot for Buddha’s disciples and it is also the place where the ordination of his son, Rahula, was held. This is memorialised by a stupa constructed atop the hill.
Although the fact that many particular elements concerning Buddha’s life and the early spreading of his philosophy are shrouded in mystery, the site’s original name, Nigrodharam, derives from Nigrodha, the name of a Buddhist monk who allegedly once owned the banyan grove where the Bihar was constructed. Nigrodha is claimed to have converted Emperor Ashoka Maurya to Buddhism in the third century BC, who went on to become one of Buddhism’s most influential defenders.
Beginning in 2007, the excavation of Nigrodharam Bihar revealed old stones and brickworks. A well, three stupas, and the ruins of a vast pond are among the auxiliary constructions at the site. The structure itself stands 22 feet in height and covers an area of almost 15,000 square feet. A shady stairway leads daring visitors to the top of the building for an unrivalled view of the whole site as well as the site of a well-worn Shiva Linga.
Hiring a skilled guide can help you make the most of your time at Kudan because the interpretive signage is few and occasionally difficult to understand.
Compiled By: Rebika Bishokarma
Photos By: Tripadvisor
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