An Initiation for Change

15, Mar 2019 |

Hotel Yak & Yeti hosts the inauguration for Society for Animal Welfare (SAW) with a vision to create a safe and healthy environment for human and animals to co-exist

On March 14, one of the leading pioneers in hospitality, Hotel Yak & Yeti hosted and sponsored the inauguration event for Society for Animal Welfare (SAW). Her Excellency, Maria Teresa Pessôa, Ambassador of Brazil to Nepal was the Chief Guest for the ceremony. Other attendants of the occasion were, Executive Board members and Honorary Members of SAW, corporate invites and in-house guests.

Registered on January 7, 2019, SAW is a non-governmental organisation pledged to provide proper medical treatment for stray animals by engaging qualified practitioners.

The inauguration event formally started with the Executive Board member of SAW, Neeva Mathema Pradhan giving a short speech on what SAW is and what are its activities. Relating to a personal interest of bringing harmony between humans and animals, Chairperson of SAW, Professor Hirendra Man Pradhan took over the stage with his charismatic welcome speech. “We celebrate special days for cows and dogs but when they are helpless we turn against them” claimed Pradhan.

H.E, Maria Teresa Pessôa, Ambassador of Brazil to Nepal was then honoured for delivering her motivational words on the issue. Inspiring every attendant in the Regal Ballroom, she said “All living creatures should be treated as humans.” Adding to her speech, she also mentioned “All animals have ability to suffer in the same way humans do. Ensuring animal welfare is human responsibility. Welfare in a sense of physical and mental wellbeing of animals.” General Manager of Hotel Yak & Yeti, Monica Scheiblauer expressed her pride for taking initiative to secure harmony between people and animals in Kathmandu. With the final words from Dr Pranav Raj Joshi, Veterinarian and a member of SAW, the programme formally ended with the unfolding of Dr Joshi’s work of art by H.E, Maria Teresa Pessôa. Ambassador of Brazil to Nepal.

Guests were welcome to stay for a refreshing coffee session in the hall where a photography exhibition — Grey scale portraits of Bhaktapur by Dr Pranav Joshi were on display.


Text: Aashif Shrestha

Photos: Pratik Malakar

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