On Friday, November 18, 2022, the Hyatt Regency Kathmandu hosted a joyful cake-mixing ceremony to welcome the beginning of the Christmas and winter celebrations, offering a satisfying mixture of flavour and joy.
The ceremony was opened by Hyatt Regency’s General Manager, Ashis Kumar, who welcomed and thanked all invitees and media outlets for attending. The guests prepared a hearty concoction of dried fruits, nuts, spices, herbs, wine, rum, and alcohol. The aprons, gloves, and toque hats were distributed to the guests before the fruit-soaking event began. Then, the hotel’s staff, guests, and chefs gathered to mix the ingredients.
The process started with pouring the alcohol over the fruits and nuts in the shape of a Hyatt box. It is generally accepted that fruits should be soaked and combined more than a month in advance to achieve the authentic taste and flavour of Christmas cake.
Chef Santosh Shah, Her Excellence Mrs.Alina Novikova, Benazir Khan from Turkish Airlines, Heather Smith from the US Embassy, Blessie Dhakal, Junu Malekhu from Cathay Pacific, corporate leaders, spouses of the ambassadors, and social activists were among the guests for the cake-mixing-ceremony.
The event was further enhanced by live music performances, alongside a flavourful feast from the brand-new restaurant Sesame to celebrate the festivities in the perfect spirit.
Penned By: Utsav Pun
Photos By: Bidyash Dangol
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